All visitors to KOSSDA’s library may search and download data from the Korean electronic journal database DBPIA, NEWnonmun and KISS, as well as search and make copies of the printed data collection.
Remote Access of Electronic Journals
In order to access electronic journals from outside the KOSSDA library the user must receive remote access authorization. Institutional members do not have access to the remote access service.
Document Delivery Service (DDS)
To request document delivery service of printed data a DDS request form may be filled out online and a service fee must be paid. A user may deposit $100 to KOSSDA and pay the DDS service fees by deducting it from the total.

DDS Fees: $ 12.00 (Add 25¢ for each page over 50 pages.)
Delivery Options (additional per document):
Airmail - $3.00
International Fax - $5.00
International FedEx - $30.00

Method of Payment
Payment to:
1) Please make cheques payable to:
Korea Social Science Data Archive
304-28 Sajik-dong, Jongno-gu,
Seoul, South Korea (Zip code:110-054)

2) Remit the amount to our bank account:
33-2 Myeong-dong 2 ga, Jung-gu, Seoul,
South Korea (Zip code:100-022)
Account No: 111-04-119450
Inquiries about DDS
All inquiries concerning DDS may be directed to:
User support [E-mail]
In using electronic data and reproducing literature the user must adhere to all relevant copyright laws. The mass downloading of electronic data is prohibited. Though articles printed in journals may be copied in its entirety, monographs, research reports and dissertations may only be copied in parts (less than 1/3 of the whole) under copyright laws.