I. (Purpose)
This Agreement is made between you and the Korea Social Science Data Archive (hereafter termed "KOSSDA") in order to provide you (the "User") with the right to use the services provided via KOSSDA's website, outlining the terms and conditions of use and the rights and obligations between the User and KOSSDA, according to the terms below.
II. (Definition of terminology)
The terms used in the Agreement are defined as follows:
  1. Registered User: An individual or institution that has registered and agreed to the User Agreement on KOSSDA's website.
  2. Membership User: A registered individual or institution with a paid membership
  3. User: An unregistered user
  4. ID : A personal identification code created by the user using 4-8 letters and or numbers and approved by KOSSDA
  5. Password: A code created by the user to protect the privacy of the user using 4-8 letters and or numbers and approved by KOSSDA
  6. Website: The internet homepage run by KOSSDA to provide users with its services (www.kossda.or.kr)
  7. Database [hereafter termed "DB"]: All data and literature provided by KOSSDA
  8. Data: Quantitative (survey and statistical data) and Qualitative (documentary records, observation records, interview and narrative history data, conference and lecture records, etc.) data provided by KOSSDA
  9. Literature: Academic journals, papers, theses, research publications and articles provided by KOSSDA
  10. Original data depositor: The persons or institution that originally deposited the data to KOSSDA
  11. Original data creator: The person or institution that originally created the data deposited to KOSSDA
  12. Remote access: The remote usage of the DB provided by KOSSDA's website
  13. Online data analysis system: The system that allows for statistical analysis of survey data provided by KOSSDA
  14. Data preview: A system that allows the partial search and view of audio, video, and textual qualitative data
III. (Validity and change of agreement)
1. This agreement will become effective with its announcement on the KOSSDA website or through other means.
2. In case the necessity arises, KOSSDA may change, add or remove portions of this User Agreement at any time, within the boundaries of KOSSDA's regulations and operational guidelines. The amended agreement will be posted as mentioned in section 1. If the user does not agree to the amendments KOSSDA may terminate the user's access to its services.
IV. (Additional regulations)
1. Matters not dealt with in this agreement may be subject to national laws and regulations such as copyright, intellectual property rights, telecommunications act, telecommunications business act, information network and information promotion act, etc
2. KOSSDA reserves the right to determine the contents of its services which will be posted through the relevant user guidelines.

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V. (User registration)
1. Individuals or institutions must agree to this agreement and register as a user in order to use the services provided by KOSSDA's website.
2. All individuals and institutions applicable to the following provisions may become a registered user.
  1. Individual User: Researchers, students, scholars, government officials, and other individuals.
  2. Institution User: Universities/Colleges, research institutes, government organizations, private corporations, and other institutes.
3. In order to register as a user a user application must be submitted
4. In the application the user must select either to become a registered user or a membership user. Institutions may only apply as a membership user.
5. KOSSDA reserves the right to deny the registration of applicants in the following cases
  1. It is technically impossible to provide services to the applicant
  2. The applicant is not using a legal name or using another individual or institution's name.
  3. The application includes false information about an individual or institution or lacks mandatory information
  4. In case the applicant breaches this agreement or acts in discordance with related laws.
VI. (Membership application)
1. To register as a membership user, an application and a membership fee must be submitted
2. KOSSDA memberships are as follows
  1. Individual membership: membership for the individual students, scholars, researchers, and others.
  2. Institutional membership: membership for the university or college libraries, research institutes, and other institutions
3. The annual membership fee is determined according to the types of membership by the executive committee. In the case of data depositors and students a discount may be applied.
VII. (Protection and use of personal data)
1. KOSSDA shall preserve the confidentiality of private information pertaining to the user and work to prevent its misuse
2. KOSSDA may not release the user's personal data to a third party without the permission of the user, and will be held responsible if such a case arises, with the exception of the following cases
  1. When delivery is necessary and the user's information (name, address, telephone number) is provided for delivery purposes
  2. When requested by a government agency under governing laws
  3. When requested by a criminal investigation agency or the Korea Internet Safety Commission under legal processes
  4. When requested under the processes of relevant governing laws
3. KOSSDA may process any personal data submitted by the user for validation and statistical purposes, and for the purposes of the management of the service, KOSSDA may also provide the information on to other parties such as the original data creator and depositor.
4. KOSSDA will not collect additional personal data aside from what is provided by the user with the exception of the following
  1. The IP address or OS (operating system) used in connecting to the KOSSDA website.
  2. The time and date of the user's visit to the website.
  3. The data page used or viewed by the user.
5. The user may update, delete, or correct his/her personal data to manage and ensure the protection of privacy.
6. The user's personal data is managed using an ID and Password which may only be changed by the user. It is solely the user's responsibility to ensure that such personal data are kept secure and not disclosed to a third party in which case the user will be liable for all ensuing consequences.
VIII. (ID and Password)
1. KOSSDA shall allow the use of the ID and Password as chosen by the user.
2. A personal ID can not be changed once it is created and under inevitable circumstances the ID must be terminated and a new ID should be registered.
3. The modification and management of the user's personal data should be in accordance with the relevant guidelines.

IX. (KOSSDA's obligations)
1. KOSSDA may not terminate its data service unless under special circumstances.
2. KOSSDA must abide by Section 7 part 1 and 2 regarding personal data protection.
3. KOSSDA shall respond appropriately to legitimate suggestions or complaints registered by the user, and notify the user of a future course of action in case immediate action is not viable.
X. (User obligations)
1. Any personal data submitted in the user registration application and any changes made to the data should be true, accurate, current and complete. In case of any falsification, the applicant may not exercise the rights of a user.
2. The user must ensure that the ID and Password are kept secure. The ID and Password may not be disclosed to a third party and may not be used by a third party to access KOSSDA's database.
3. The user may not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of KOSSDA or any third party.
4. The user must comply with the following when using KOSSDA's database
  1. The user may not utilize the data to attempt to obtain or derive information relating specifically to an individual, organization, or institution.
  2. The user may not provide the data in parts or in whole to any third party without the consent of KOSSDA.
  3. The user must acknowledge, in any publication, whether printed, electronic or broadcast, based wholly or in part on the data collections, the original data creators, depositors or copyright holders, and the data service provider (KOSSDA) in the form specified by KOSSDA.
  4. The user must supply KOSSDA with a copy of any published work based wholly or in part on the data collection within one month of its publication.
  5. The data collection provided by KOSSDA must be destroyed once the period of use is terminated.
5. The user must comply with the following when utilizing the DB provided by KOSSDA through remote access.
  1. The user must ensure that the remote access ID and Password are not disclosed to any third party.
  2. The ID and Password registered under an Individual user may not be used by an institution.
  3. The data may not be transferred to a third party and may not be reproduced or distributed for commercial purposes
  4. The original data may not be downloaded using electronic or other technical means (downloading programs etc.)
  5. The user may not download more than the amount of data designated by KOSSDA, if such need arises it may be done with the prior approval of KOSSDA.
The user must agree to any other user guidelines KOSSDA may set forth in addition to this agreement in using certain data collections.
The user must comply with all parts of this agreement in using the data services and the breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement must immediately be notified KOSSDA.

XI. (Using the service)
1. The services provided by KOSSDA are as follows
  1. Integrated search and download of data and literature
  2. Online data analysis
  3. Data preview
  4. Document delivery service
  5. The use of MY KOSSDA
  6. Others
2. A KOSSDA membership user may use all services including, data download, online analysis of quantitative data, data preview, and document delivery service.
3. A non-membership user may use services such as the data and literature search, and My KOSSDA, but not all services. The services available to a non-membership user are outlined on the website
4. Charges are applied to certain services such as the document delivery service
5. KOSSDA may modify its services due to changes in technical capacities or other inevitable circumstances, in which case the user will not be compensated for possible losses thereof, unless deemed purposeful or a result of negligence on the part of KOSSDA
XII. (Accessibility of the service)
1.The user may access KOSSDA's services from the time the registration approval notice is given, with the exception of certain services which may be used from the time designated by KOSSDA.
2. KOSSDA's services will be offered 24 hours a day throughout the year, unless problems technical or otherwise arise.
3. KOSSDA may temporarily stop its services for periodic service check ups, and system upgrades. In case of temporary suspension of services due to scheduled system maintenance a notice will be posted on KOSSDA's website.
XIII. (Deletion of user-provided posts or contents)
1. KOSSDA reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any or all contents posted or transmitted by the user that fall into the following categories
  1. In case the content infringes upon the rights of other users, third parties, or KOSSDA including libelous, defamatory, and obscene materials.
  2. In case the content is offensive and disruptive
  3. In case the content infringes upon the copyrights of KOSSDA, or any third parties
  4. In case of unauthorized advertisement and or contents posted for commercial purposes
  5. In case the content is deemed unlawful or in discord with applicable laws and provisions
XIV. (Database copyright)
1. KOSSDA holds the copyright to all searchable DB on the KOSSDA website, with the exception of those otherwise noted
2. It is prohibited that a third party utilize the DB owned by KOSSDA without KOSSDA's approval

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XV. (Termination of user account)
In case the user wishes to terminate his/her account the user must do so using the personal data section on the KOSSDA website
XVI.(Limitation of user account)
In case the user breaches the provisions of section 10 of this Agreement KOSSDA may limit or terminate the user's access to all services permanently or temporarily without prior notice.

XVII. (Prohibition of collecting email addresses)
The user may not collect or provide email addresses to a third party
XVIII. (Reparation for loss)
KOSSDA shall not be held liable for any losses caused to the user in utilizing KOSSDA's services unless the loss has resulted due to a purposeful or serious negligence on the part of KOSSDA
XIX. (Competent court)
1. In case a conflict arises between the user and KOSSDA in regards to using the service, both parties shall cooperate and consult to resolve the conflict
2. In case the conflict can not be resolved as mentioned in section 1, both parties may register a complaint to the competent court under the Civil Proceedings Act
3. The Terms of Service has been made in and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. Any action to enforce this Agreement shall be brought in the courts of the Republic of Korea.

1. This Agreement will be effective from the time it is posted on the KOSSDA website